Friday, December 25, 2009


Giving is considered to be a very relative aspect in terms and comparison to the synonym of “Give and Take”. However, if we see a different perspective of just giving without an underlining aspect of “Taking”, would it work? And is it really possible for people to follow that thoroughly, through out, ardently everyday. Would it still achieve or have desired impact in changing / helping people during their times of need?

Something Debatable, isn’t it? My take on this and solely a personal opinion on this topic is that it’s possible. From the time, I have realized this aspect, I have personally practiced it, and it does work – but yes, I also cannot deny that this aspect though it has worked for the benefit of lot of people, it has also worked to a partial disadvantage for me as well. I have never lost out on anything major or had any significant losses but people do tend to misunderstand or probably take you for granted. But again, the end of the story has been that it gives me that inner satisfaction of doing something that helped someone at the end of it and seeing the same satisfaction in the form of results & outcome in that person’s life.

I have experienced the joy of just being there for people, some of them have been complete strangers to me and some have been friends. Though some strangers may have turned into friends and into a very good friends; while there have been instances with some where my association with them was just for that brief period of giving them something and never seeing them ever again.
It also depends what would you signify as giving to people who need something from you and if you also unconsciously expect as little as a Thank You from them if nothing more than that. Giving could be just lending a helping hand for any tangible project or just as intangible as emotions, feelings or just being there in flesh & blood for the person in need.

Irrespective, initially when I started I did have my egos come in my way which were strong enough to make me stop being this saint of just giving and being there for people unconditionally and letting people at the end of it make out whatever they wanted of my actions. In my personal experiences and of those around me have made me feel and develop emotions for other people to make me see the other side of the coin. If you really believe from your heart and have this strong sense of this is what is right to be just a giver, you sometimes will be surprised at your own self as to how you would be able to counter your egos and keep them aside and be able to do what is actually right.
In today’s times, people really don’t think that you can be this honest to just give or help unconditionally, but they don’t realize that during that phase the real challenge turns into not what they are facing in front of them but its them itself to have such thoughts in their mind – since their focus is already shifted from the real problem to the person who is helping them.

In this practice there will also be some souls who will simply hate the fact that you have gone over board in giving them so much that they even start to hate your intentions so much so that they become prisoners in their own thoughts. Funny isn’t it? They will miss out on focusing on the strength they seem to be getting from you and will even forget what’s been troubling them.

So yes, in a lot of dimensions just giving has its ways of working for the best for a lot of people, but lets come to the point as to in all those scenarios above what does it do to the “GIVER”. Why would the giver just give and irrespective of some of the odds mentioned above still continue to and not stop? How does this change the givers life?

Personally, it has changed me and my life in a lot of ways. The fact that I believe in this and do practice it has in return given me a lot of strength to face odds in my personal life. So basically I have got a lot in return by giving itself. You cannot give till you understand and realize; what is it that the person is facing and what exactly is that the person needs? Also, if that person really needs what you think that person does need?
Tricky, but if you have just decided and made up your mind on being there and helping that person get through irrespective of the odds that you may face one may realize that it will automatically pave the way to give you, all your answers to understand the needs of the person. It will also open up avenues for you as a Giver to understand if you really have all that within you to give so much to that person all that he needs.
Everyone loves receiving and I am not an exception to this rule. I would love to receive all day long from whomever can give me what I want; however there are other joys as well which in turn can also be the giving fountain in your own personal life. In short, I have given myself something by giving others unconditionally.

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